575-532-5900 info@sponm.org

Calf Muscle Pump, or “2nd Heart”

Leg muscles provide an important pump action designed to recirculate venous blood to the heart; this pump action is referred to as the veno-muscular pump or calf muscle pump, or sometimes the “second heart”.

Any health concern that affects the foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, or the network of veins in the leg, may lead to impairment of the calf muscle pump, and reduce venous return to the heart, such as vascular, musculoskeletal or neurological injury or disease; or prolonged bedrest.

Wearing high heels has been shown to interfere with the calf muscle pump function and reduce venous return (Tedeschi-Filho, W., et al. J Vasc Surg, 2012).

Orthoses are indicated for conditions that affect calf muscle pump function in order to activate the muscles; for exampls, compression hose for venous insufficiency; an ankle foot orthotic for foot drop; or a functional brace for ankle sprain.

Calf-muscle strengthening exercises can improve calf muscle pump function:

  • walking, toe-walking, calf raises, lunges, or foot pumps (flexing the foot and ankle)
  • a foot stepper machine simulates walking and may be used while sitting